Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Just wanted to say, how awesome this year has been. Well, not including work. But the rest was great!

I moved to Southern California with my gorgeous husband. Shared our first wedding anniversary in December and started (over and over again) planning our long term goals. Which still includes the unknown decision of whether or not we plan to return to Australia... Who knows whats really on the cards. I'm not bothering with new year resolutions but I don't plan on winging shit either.

I guess, I'll take the crap as it's flung and hope to god I can fling shit back. /women unite.
Damn straight. However, in all seriousness we'll be taking everything one step at a time. If I don't get too lazy I might just keep ya'll updated. Stiff shit if I don't. Perhaps you should send me a message through FB.

Anywho, Have a happy and somewhat safe New year, get yer wobbly boots on and fuck some shit up. Y'no, Live a little. We only live once.

Love to you all, friends and family and haters xxx

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

That magical time of the year...

It's passed, finally. Christmas, is that magical time of the year which manages to screw a lot of us over. No matter the age, there's always complaints, "I didn't get what I wanted" or the "I'm glad the kids are happy, but you do realize Darling, we're broke". This year, wasn't that bad. Apart from having to catch a flight 10am Christmas morning (Which included one of the roughest landings I've ever experienced, seeing as I've done a better job in a Cessna on a windy day...) was a lame way to start the day, in a hotel, no tree, no gifts, no awesome breakfast. No wait.. The donut shop next door was open. Ham and cheese croissant, FTW. By 8am we were at the airport and by 9am I had downed a smoke or four and headed to the nearest pub. Stella, thank you. The only woman for me. On the plane, I was offered free drinks by two charming men seated next to me, so add to that two scotch and dry's. It's not even 12 yet.
Legen... wait for it... Dary! 

So, no. My Christmas day started off just fine. Liquid courage to meet the in-laws after a year and a plane flight run by stand up comedians. Interesting morning. However, my issue really wasn't with Christmas day. It was one of my gifts. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not being ungrateful at all. The gift was awesome. It's just my instability to use it. So what did I get. *drum roll* SWTOR.

STAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC - MMO (Online game, for those who aren't acquainted with gaming lingo)... Oh wait, never mind. I was about to go into a heated discussion about how bullshit it was that the servers were all down for maintenance. I'm in.

Now, serious stuff. Everyone recently seen that post on Buzzfeed about those darn kids bitching about how shit their Christmas was... 'Waa I got a black Ipad instead of the white one, fuck my parents..' or ' I hate my dad, no fucking car.' or 'where was my new Iphone?' or 'I wanted an Ipad, WTF is this Kindle shit?'

Wow. What happened to new outfits and money towards you actually saving up your own bloody money to buy some over-priced gadget that will be out of style in the next 3 freaking months? What happened to being fucking grateful. I never thought I'd be old enough to say (and really mean it) 'God damn you lazy kids, you have it so easy. How bout next year you get the choice of a bullet or a Ugo? Yeah, shoot yourself you dramatic fucking spoiled twat or U go get a Job and U go get a car..'

>Click here to read on Buzzfeed<

End Rant.

Well, my Christmas was lovely. How was yours?