Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Introducing - Bob

 This post is in relation to my Minecraft Server, NoobCraft. If you wish to learn more about my Gaming Community, come on over to www.noobcraft.info

Introducing - Bob, the Friendly Creeper. KEYCHAINS!


For those of you who knew this friendly creeper, NoobCraft Gaming Community would like to present to you the new available collection of Bob, the Friendly Creeper keychains. Although Bob was lost to us some months ago, we will remember him; let him not die in vain.
Even though Bob, defended himself, in a way that us humans cannot comprehend, he has made us realize that friends and family alone cannot protect us from this harsh world we have created. This is why we have created these key rings in his honor. To help support and protect our community, we have lovingly handcrafted these Bob key rings to promote NoobHood Watch against hackers, griefers and trolls alike. All proceeds will go directly towards server maintenance and upgrades to better secure our community.
Now, not many of you can recall the good old days when Bob embraced us with his presence. For those of you who do not know of this truly sad tale, you can read all about him in our old Archive by clicking this link - >Click here for Bob's Story!<

Keychain Details
Available colors are but are not limited to;
Green, and Green Tinted Silver.
Light Green and Light Green Tinted Silver.
Silver Brushed with Black Under Tones. (Limited)
Limited Edition will be in gold and is currently unavailable.

Each Bob is handcrafted with Polymer Clay, made to order and will be etched with the word NOOB on the back. Bob is finished with acrylic paint and gloss.

Two sizes available;

Bob head – Approximately 1 inch in height and just under 1 inch in width.
Cost - $5.00
Full Bob – Approximately 2 inches in height and ½ an inch in width.
Cost - $7.50
Shipping costs within the US is $2.50; outside of the US is $5.00.

If you have any requests, in size or color, please private message me through the forums or Etsy before making your purchase.

>Click here to Buy Bob!< 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Customer Service [RANT]

Well, I can say I've just about worked customer service in a grocery store my whole working life. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy the work that I do. However, I can't say that working with pain-in-the-butt customers is what anyone wants to do. I'd love to tell half the customers to shove their requests fair up their clackers but I don't think I should risk having to look for another job. Especially in this economy. My issue is, I guess I just take too much pride in the work that I do. I feel as if I should share the shit I have to put up with daily and I'm sure a lot of you can relate.

I've also come to notice, customers act differently in different places. I'm currently in Southern California. I was warned that some of these people are rude and always in a hurry. The regular's however are fine. I know how you are, what you request and I come to expect nothing less, the rest of you however...

1. Common Courtesy. Everyone seems to lack it these days. I've noticed that the younger generation seem to be more polite than the middle aged twat. Seriously, how hard is it to say 'PLEASE'. I'm tired of all the snotty wankers who walk into the store like I was placed there to serve their ass. Don't come to my counter and say "Gimme a pound of bacon". How bout you smile and say something like "Hi, how are you today? Could I please have a pound of bacon?"

2. Learn to read. For fuck sakes. Don't ask me stupid questions about the product simply because you can't be bothered to read the damn tag. Yes, that salmon is wild, It's written on all the tags if it's wild or farm raised. And for the love of shrimp.. don't say "I want 2 and a half pounds of shrimp" Umm I have over 8 types in my case, which one do you want..? "That one" *smudges fingers all over my clean windows pointing at some shrimp* Oh god, read the friggen tag, what size are you after, my case is far too lowered for me to see what you actually want... ergh.

3. Don't ask for my advice if you your not going to take it. I've worked this job far longer than you think, I'm sure I know what I'm talking about otherwise I would have asked someone else to help you. If you feel that ground beef goes brown because It's old, you obviously don't cook with it enough or come into my department very often. That stuff is ground fresh everyday, then reduced/dumped at the end of the day. It goes brown half way through the day due to oxygen. It doesn't mean it's bad. Tard.

4. When I cook free samples and place them under the heat lamp, I'm actually doing that to boost sales for that product. Not entitle you to a free buffet. Homeless people included. Get a free coffee sample and something I've cooked and bug off. Don't hover waiting for me to put them out then scoff it all down. I don't have all day to cook for everyone that swings past. Seriously, eat before you come to the store, they say you shouldn't shop on an empty stomach. Tosser.

5. Bring it back If you decide you don't want it. I hate you people the most. I don't care if you can't afford it or you find something of better value. If you don't want something don't ditch it in an isle or a freezer. That $20 roast you just had me season and wrap up, now has to be dumped. That's a store loss that comes back on MY department. Asshole.

6. I also hate these people. Your product is leaking. Oh waah. Next time you purchase something frozen and leave it in your car for hours and then realize you forgot it. That's your issue. Don't blame it on us and demand a refund. We now have to dump that product. Fuck-wit.

7. Return a product for a replacement because your unsatisfied. Hey, now I can accept that. Unless your some jerk who thinks they know-it-all. Yeah, that roast you bought this morning was cut fresh, it smells fine. Oh I see you've already started to trim and cut it up, but you don't like the way it smells. Erm, it's fresh. I know. I work 40 hours a week around this stuff. I know how it should and should not smell. Don't tell me off. I don't give a shit if you've been cooking our meat for 40 odd years. Just admit I caught you out on a lie and I'll get you a new one. I'm sorry your husband probably sent you back to the store cause the roast was too fatty. Not my fault that if you don't do it he's probably going to beat you. Don't take that crap out on me. This is my job. I'll have to dump that. Bitch.

8. I really like that steak. You know, the one right up the front of the case. Holy shit. One moment while I put my gloves on and walk out to the front of my case so I can actually reach that for you. This one is common, but sometimes I screw with people and put the old stuff up the front. Suckers.

9. Why did you come to the meat department to ask me what wine goes best with making sangria? Do I look like a bartender? Twat.

10. It's bad enough that you've dowsed yourself in cheap perfume designed to make people cry and choke on the air that they breathe, but did you also realize that I can still smell that alcohol your trying to cover. I'm stocking the shelf, back the fuck off when your talking to me. Piss-head.

11. Last but not least. No, I don't speak Spanish. I'm Australian. I spreken zee Koala. Don't yell at me for not knowing your language. I can say Hi, Thank you, one moment, and STOP. I understand you pointing at a product and asking for Uno libre, (I think that's how it's spelled) Don't you think that's enough? I'm not going to go out of my way to learn a language. That's what school was for. I was taught German, French, Japanese and Indonesian. I guess Australia didn't think much of Spanish. My bad. I really thought I was trying...

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Just wanted to say, how awesome this year has been. Well, not including work. But the rest was great!

I moved to Southern California with my gorgeous husband. Shared our first wedding anniversary in December and started (over and over again) planning our long term goals. Which still includes the unknown decision of whether or not we plan to return to Australia... Who knows whats really on the cards. I'm not bothering with new year resolutions but I don't plan on winging shit either.

I guess, I'll take the crap as it's flung and hope to god I can fling shit back. /women unite.
Damn straight. However, in all seriousness we'll be taking everything one step at a time. If I don't get too lazy I might just keep ya'll updated. Stiff shit if I don't. Perhaps you should send me a message through FB.

Anywho, Have a happy and somewhat safe New year, get yer wobbly boots on and fuck some shit up. Y'no, Live a little. We only live once.

Love to you all, friends and family and haters xxx

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

That magical time of the year...

It's passed, finally. Christmas, is that magical time of the year which manages to screw a lot of us over. No matter the age, there's always complaints, "I didn't get what I wanted" or the "I'm glad the kids are happy, but you do realize Darling, we're broke". This year, wasn't that bad. Apart from having to catch a flight 10am Christmas morning (Which included one of the roughest landings I've ever experienced, seeing as I've done a better job in a Cessna on a windy day...) was a lame way to start the day, in a hotel, no tree, no gifts, no awesome breakfast. No wait.. The donut shop next door was open. Ham and cheese croissant, FTW. By 8am we were at the airport and by 9am I had downed a smoke or four and headed to the nearest pub. Stella, thank you. The only woman for me. On the plane, I was offered free drinks by two charming men seated next to me, so add to that two scotch and dry's. It's not even 12 yet.
Legen... wait for it... Dary! 

So, no. My Christmas day started off just fine. Liquid courage to meet the in-laws after a year and a plane flight run by stand up comedians. Interesting morning. However, my issue really wasn't with Christmas day. It was one of my gifts. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not being ungrateful at all. The gift was awesome. It's just my instability to use it. So what did I get. *drum roll* SWTOR.

STAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC - MMO (Online game, for those who aren't acquainted with gaming lingo)... Oh wait, never mind. I was about to go into a heated discussion about how bullshit it was that the servers were all down for maintenance. I'm in.

Now, serious stuff. Everyone recently seen that post on Buzzfeed about those darn kids bitching about how shit their Christmas was... 'Waa I got a black Ipad instead of the white one, fuck my parents..' or ' I hate my dad, no fucking car.' or 'where was my new Iphone?' or 'I wanted an Ipad, WTF is this Kindle shit?'

Wow. What happened to new outfits and money towards you actually saving up your own bloody money to buy some over-priced gadget that will be out of style in the next 3 freaking months? What happened to being fucking grateful. I never thought I'd be old enough to say (and really mean it) 'God damn you lazy kids, you have it so easy. How bout next year you get the choice of a bullet or a Ugo? Yeah, shoot yourself you dramatic fucking spoiled twat or U go get a Job and U go get a car..'

>Click here to read on Buzzfeed<

End Rant.

Well, my Christmas was lovely. How was yours?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Back to the Blog, Finally.

Wow! It's literally been forever. I've noticed that in my absence, other blogs, for some reason, make me feel better about not updating my own blog, because my delusional mind has convinced itself that it is MY blog, because every time I read it I'm like, "HAHA Oh Ava, you've really done it this time... that was hilarious!!" And then I have to remind myself that unfortunately, I don't write this blog. No, no Ava. Your blog is way over there. *points to September* (Totally Stolen from another blog... But it was too true to my own)

However, I'm now officially attempting to get back into the swing of things. Apart from working and trying overly hard to keep the house semi neat... semi, being the fact that I'm lucky if I manage to do a thorough clean up every 1-2 months, I've pursued a rather larger idea by selling my own crafty items over the net. I feel so techie. Now, I truly wish I had a "special" talent and the knowledge to essentially sell myself over the web.... Without taking pictures of myself straddled on the couch armchair like some prostitute from down under of course. (Cause that would be odd and just end up circling the globe for people to laugh at) 

To view my lonely store just click this link >> http://www.etsy.com/shop/BrunswickDesign
I'll be bringing in some new items soon for Christmas. 

Now onto the good stuff! 

Another new item of interest is our Minecraft server upgrade! The new parts started arriving today, so hopefully the Hubby will put together a brand new super PC to host the server.. One with a new FX AMD 6-core processor I might add. Mmmm turbo core technology....

We've also created a new server competition to win My Little Pony coloring books and crayons! Since most of our new registers are Bronies... Oh and we also have the latest Humble Bundle up for grabs. All the rules and info are posted on the forums.

>>> Noobcraft Forums!! <<<  Once you've registered just go to the Minecraft section and read about the competition under 'Contests'.

We've also recently allowed people to log onto the server without being whitelisted. Catch is, your unable to do anything, no building no nothing. This just allows new users to view the current map and to choose whether or not they would like to join our community.

If you'd like to log on and check out the server, just type mcnoobs.info in multiplayer.

Our Noobcraft community has started to evolve over the past few months, allowing Terraria users to join and we've also included our new guild for Star Wars Old Republic. (now accepting applications) This way we can keep the community forums all rolled into one. The forums themselves have expanded and now feature different sections for each of the games.

Queen Ava, in honor of me! How sweet!

My last major build, The Taj Mahal.                        

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm being all Artsy Fartsy!

Yerp, that's right. I've recently stopped blogging to try out some crazy online shop thingy called Etsy.

Sooo, I'm a freelance artist looking to build up my reputation to help boost sales and would really appreciate any feedback. This doesn't require a purchase. If anyone could spare the time to visit my site and let me know what they think, it would be very much appreciated.

If anyone uses Facebook, twitter or stumble, I would also greatly appreciate a 'like, tweet or I like it!' for my page!

Address to my site is listed below;


My current items include home decorations, perfect for the upcoming Halloween and Thanksgiving holidays.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to email me at avarrianna44@yahoo.com.

You can also follow me on Twitter @ Avarrianna Roxxzor

Thanks for your help guys.

Monday, June 20, 2011

NoobCraft Creeps Towards the Top.

 Noobcraft Server just broke 150 in ranking. We're slowly creeping up the ladder.
Neat little Vid posted by Sheldon. Have a look see at Ava's and Munky's Minecraft Server. You only get to see a tiny amount of the things we have made. The Vid only show's our "new spawn". Complete with Market place. 
We also officially have NPC's and Big Brother.
Head on over to the forums by clicking >>> HERE, CLICK HERE!!!!1 <<< 
Below are a couple of new features for our VIP status. 

 New addition to the VIP status! Which still includes Magic Carpet!
VOTE FOR US TODAY, and get a cookie. 
>Just Click Here< 
And make sure you hit the "thumbs up" icon.