Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last post for May = shits n gigs.

Right, well I've been a rather lazy bitch when it comes to blogging, ergh, I knew the novelty would wear off once I started working. But alas, I'll continue to strike stupidity and nothingness into everyone's heart.

Anywho, whats left to report on. One day left in May. /sigh. Another damn month. I have this fear that I'll wake up one morning with kids and crows feet or something. Not that I should be worried, that ain't far off when you think about it... Oh shock horror.

Oh gee, look at that, I was magically pulled away from my pc and now it's the 31st. Small things eh?

Anywho, turns out I've been given a new opportunity at work... New department and more hours. Pretty good considering I thought I'd have to pick up a second job.  Now, In America they say being put into a new department is essentially a promotion. Umm ok so wheres my pay raise? Ohh if I squint hard enough.. Shit! Is that a WHOLE 15c? Mate, watch out, we're livin' big this year. /sigh.
(Still not sure on my exact raise amount, good chance it'll be 5-10c, but I can dream big right?)

I managed to learn a valuable lesson the other day. I was blowing up balloons for a customer, when I, in some retarded bubbly Aussie accent, asked the customer "Hey, what do you have planned, big party..  wedding?" to which the customer replied, "uh, no my mother died yesterday and we're releasing balloons on the beach  as a farewell..." -commence /faceplam- Moral of the story, don't be happy when blowing up white balloons. Goddamn I felt like an ass.

AND SUDDENLY - Something that reminded me of an Ex of mine, lols.

And don't forgets, Noobcraft Server still wants more noobs. Join Today. Donate and gets the new VIP status. 
> Just Click Here < And head over to the forums to register.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Does this country make my arse look fat?

Natalie Dee helps to express what America has done to me...

Yeah I pretty much look like him... Charming ain't it..

That's the hat I'll be making for the 4th of July bitches... and her punch line is spot on..

My certificate in Applied Sciences was certainly worth every penny...

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Yup I've started my own account!
And you can too, great place for lots of lolz.

                                  Plez rate mai lolz, ktanx! <3

My friends cat, posted on facebook.. How could I NOT make him into a lolcat?!

My cat, Cilla, Offically a lolcat. She had it coming...

Random Image I found on the site, was too cute to pass up <3

Friday, May 13, 2011

My accent will get me in trouble one day...

Well, I'm sure I'm overdue for a new post.. Where to start.. Hmmm... Well, I've finally started working. Pretty similar to my last job actually. I guess I'm just glad to get out of this apartment.

I've found it rather interesting, being Australian working in America. I swear I'm just about over telling everyone my life story. Although that's not as half bad as having people ask me to repeat things I've said. I mean, I speak English, I didn't think my accent was that bloody hard to understand. I've tried my darnedest to cut out all of my slang and caught myself mimicking an American accent. My other issue is learning to speak/understand Spanish, every second person speaks it here. I'm sure I'll pick things up eventually.

I think my most embarrassing moment so far was having a manager ask me to get what I thought sounded something like "Turkey Gold". I paused for a moment with one of those 'What the fuuuu' looks on my face and thought to myself, 'Shit, is that something like the Golden Goose.. so maybe it's a type of meat.. no wait, what?'

Turns out she had actually said 'Turkish Gold', not that it would have made a difference. I still didn't have a bloody clue what she was on about. My face slightly blushed when she handed me a packet of Camels cigarettes labeled Turkish Gold.

I mean seriously, how the fuck was I meant to know what it was?! Perhaps she knew that I smoked.. not that a smoker knows every brand of smokes.. But c'mon, damn I felt like a dumb ass.

Apart from needing to learn all the different brands of EVERYTHING in an entire store, I think I'll do just fine.. I think.

Friday, May 6, 2011

TXT - THE GR8 DB8 (lesson on Shorthand)

As part of a request I have decided to do a post on the use of Shorthand or as the ‘Y’ generation sees it, txt speak, SMS language or Textese. (also known as txtese, chatspeak, txt, txtspk, txtk, txto, texting language, txt lingo, or txt talk)

There has always been a major debate on whether or not abbreviations should be used and if the use of it causes an inability to spell. Truth is, it’s not all as bad as the older generations perceive it to be. I’ll state a few of the obvious facts below;

  • Typically, less than 10% of the words are abbreviated in text messages.
  • Abbreviating is not a new language; instead, it has been present for many decades.
  • Children and adults both use SMS language, the latter being more likely to do so.
  • Students do not habitually use abbreviations in their homework or examinations.
  • Sending text messages is not a cause of bad spelling because people need to know how to spell before they can send a text message.
  • Sending text messages improves people's literacy, as it provides more opportunity for people to engage with the language through reading and writing.
  • Abbreviations have been seen to date back as far as the 1800’s.
Shorthand is actually rather easy to read if you already know how to spell. The trick is learning to understand the use of the word in a particular sentence.

For example;
“omg, cnt tlk, PAW, ttyl. Lol <3 u.”

Translates to;
“Oh my god, can’t talk, parents are watching, talk to you later. *Laughing out loud*, love (heart) you.”

After a bit of research on this topic I’ve found a few decent sites to assist in the understanding of Shorthand. (Links are below)

And for assistance in translating something written to you: http://www.lingo2word.com/

Most common words used among the kids today are as follows: 

LOL – Laugh out loud
TTYL – Talk to you later
ATM – At the moment
TY – Thank you
OMG – Oh my god
YW – Your Welcome
ROFL – Rolls on floor laughing
HWRU? – How are you?
LMAO – Laughing my ass off
BCUZ - Because
ORLY? – Oh really?
WT? – What?
SRS? – Serious?
BTW – By the way
I <3 U – I lesser than three you/ I love you
IDC/IDK – I don’t care/know
GTG – Good to go / Got to go
CBB/CBF – Can’t be bothered / fucked
SRY - Sorry
JK – Just Kidding

A comic poem printed in 1867 with lines like "I wrote 2 U B 4" ("I wrote to you before").

So, that concludes my lesson/post on understanding Shorthand, hopefully this assists our fellow oldies. ^_-  (by the way, that's a smiley winking)



I tell you what, this site is a shit-ton better than Minecraft Wiki.

Minecraftopia Beta is designed to essentially be a colorful easy-access version of Wiki. It's has everything you need to know, starting from a 'Quick Start Guide' to pull down tabs full of information on blocks, creatures, crafting, farming and redstone circuitry.

And, for any of you out there that enjoy gamer tees, J!NX has a new line of Minecraft shirts out for men and women.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


OK, so many of you "bright sparks" will have noticed my recent changes to my page! IKR omg, wow! I'm glad I've finally added a bit of color to the banner, although I've noticed since I've stopped drinking, the name of this blog should be changed to 'Married with Coffee and Bagels'. Cause It's cool to be sober. If your like 14.../sigh

Another addition to my blog is a list of sites/blogs I thoroughly enjoy and ad links to sites that sell stuff I like. Majority is from Buy.com cause they is cheap and sell some pretty neat shit. Playboy.com is kinky and I ninja'd the morphing bunny to display it on my page cause she's hot as. amiright?

I'll also be adding my Minecraft Server info/site link to some posts I make. For any of you who may be interested or know someone looking for a free server to join. It'll go a little something like this;

Click below - noobs <3
   WOOO >>> Clicky this uber leet link of awesomeness!!!1 

Well that's kind of how It'll work.. It will just take you to the main site where you can navigate to the forums - just click on the registration forum post and I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

Since I'm in the mood for spamming my own blog, here's another Free Advertisement..
GO GO GAME REVIEWS and other awesome stuff, like spoilers. ^_-

And for any arty farty people who are on facebook, I happen to have a page I would like you to like. 
Brunswick Design - I maded it all by myself :3

Anywho, I'll leave you with a World of Warcraft / Lady Gaga parody song by the Classy Oxhorn.

Awesome Blogs and Free Advertising..

Cause I'm sweet like that.

Not that I've got much else to update, apart from half of my readers know that I've recently burnt myself in the kitchen, using boiling water of course. So to cheer myself up I'm reading blogs that make me happy =D

The link below is to Drake's Doomsday Corner. The description, and I quote;
"No 'Drake's Doomsday Corner' isn't referring to some Mayan prophecy which will supposedly kill us all in 2012. In my eyes the human race ceased to be after Meet the Spartans made over 80 million dollars worldwide. This is my own little corner where I can broadcast my feelings on various movies and games to preserve what's left of my sanity."

Too right it is!  And as for your sanity Drake, I think a lot of us will agree, blogging is merely a corner used for stuffing all that good stuff we think about and then broadcasting it to the world! If we're gunna be nuts, we may as well be nuts together. In a family sort of way. Without sharing blood. Cause that would be creepy.

 ***   Drake's Doomsday Corner!!!1 <<< Clicky Clicky   ***

Btw, since all the commotion about Portal2, I've started playing the first one. It's AWESOME. But I'm stuck on lvl 18 -.- Who knew jumping through portals could prove to be so difficult.
But for good reviews / spoilers on Portal2 and other such games I suggest clicking my link below to  http://insomniaticentertainment.com/.

Insomniaticentertainment !!!!1  <<< Clicky Clicky
for Kick Ass Game Reviews!!1

Clicky Below for My FREE Minecraft Server Site and Forums!