Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Friday, May 13, 2011

My accent will get me in trouble one day...

Well, I'm sure I'm overdue for a new post.. Where to start.. Hmmm... Well, I've finally started working. Pretty similar to my last job actually. I guess I'm just glad to get out of this apartment.

I've found it rather interesting, being Australian working in America. I swear I'm just about over telling everyone my life story. Although that's not as half bad as having people ask me to repeat things I've said. I mean, I speak English, I didn't think my accent was that bloody hard to understand. I've tried my darnedest to cut out all of my slang and caught myself mimicking an American accent. My other issue is learning to speak/understand Spanish, every second person speaks it here. I'm sure I'll pick things up eventually.

I think my most embarrassing moment so far was having a manager ask me to get what I thought sounded something like "Turkey Gold". I paused for a moment with one of those 'What the fuuuu' looks on my face and thought to myself, 'Shit, is that something like the Golden Goose.. so maybe it's a type of meat.. no wait, what?'

Turns out she had actually said 'Turkish Gold', not that it would have made a difference. I still didn't have a bloody clue what she was on about. My face slightly blushed when she handed me a packet of Camels cigarettes labeled Turkish Gold.

I mean seriously, how the fuck was I meant to know what it was?! Perhaps she knew that I smoked.. not that a smoker knows every brand of smokes.. But c'mon, damn I felt like a dumb ass.

Apart from needing to learn all the different brands of EVERYTHING in an entire store, I think I'll do just fine.. I think.

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