Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Awesome Blogs and Free Advertising..

Cause I'm sweet like that.

Not that I've got much else to update, apart from half of my readers know that I've recently burnt myself in the kitchen, using boiling water of course. So to cheer myself up I'm reading blogs that make me happy =D

The link below is to Drake's Doomsday Corner. The description, and I quote;
"No 'Drake's Doomsday Corner' isn't referring to some Mayan prophecy which will supposedly kill us all in 2012. In my eyes the human race ceased to be after Meet the Spartans made over 80 million dollars worldwide. This is my own little corner where I can broadcast my feelings on various movies and games to preserve what's left of my sanity."

Too right it is!  And as for your sanity Drake, I think a lot of us will agree, blogging is merely a corner used for stuffing all that good stuff we think about and then broadcasting it to the world! If we're gunna be nuts, we may as well be nuts together. In a family sort of way. Without sharing blood. Cause that would be creepy.

 ***   Drake's Doomsday Corner!!!1 <<< Clicky Clicky   ***

Btw, since all the commotion about Portal2, I've started playing the first one. It's AWESOME. But I'm stuck on lvl 18 -.- Who knew jumping through portals could prove to be so difficult.
But for good reviews / spoilers on Portal2 and other such games I suggest clicking my link below to  http://insomniaticentertainment.com/.

Insomniaticentertainment !!!!1  <<< Clicky Clicky
for Kick Ass Game Reviews!!1

Clicky Below for My FREE Minecraft Server Site and Forums!


  1. *subtle hint - www.insomniaticentertainment.com*

    So yeah, how life? lolz

  2. Ahh I see someone would like some free advertising too.. one moment please...

    Life is goooooooooooooooood =D
    How's things on your end ^^

  3. Yeah not bad, i'll see what i can do about returning the favour for free advertising lolz :P

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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