Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thank You America!

Since I was recently on the topic of racism. I'm keen to see how others portray people after viewing something simple as ID.

Every time I go to hand over some of my personal identification, I become nervous and somewhat embarrassed. I've been told that in some instances, your unable to smile, during that one second you have a camera pointed at you, undressing your inner dark side and exposing the wrong part of you to the world.

I mean, you may as well stamp my licence or passport with " Killer, scares little kids and drives the 'Candy Van' ".

How, in a single flash, does someone go from looking all innocent...

To having a mug shot that looks like a murderer??!

So, I want to thank America and it's people. For granting me the benefit of any doubt and allowing me residency into your beloved country.

Twitter Trends cause Racist Confusion

Another stupid way to attract attention to silly topics that can be viewed so many different ways. For instance, the latest one I've seen;


I've found it rather entertaining to see what the black community have actually said about themselves. (However; I wish to point out, that I'm not being racist, I'm essentially quoting what has been said by others.)

We are humans, we're all scared of something, it's just pure stupidity to acknowledge the stereotype of your own race by saying your scared of, and I quote, "No kool-aid, chickens becoming extincted(i.e: no fried chicken), pools/water, dogs, police, jail, DNA, drug and pregnancy tests", ect.. you get my point.

It may all be fun and games, but apart from all the bad spelling and grammar, my view is, people (even white) are making themselves appear racist to their own kind over the net.

You basically look like this;

It doesn't matter where your from or what color you are, we all pave our own paths, we're tired of calling each other racist. Seriously, think before you say something and remember, the internet is pretty much a forever thing.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cats, Officially shit me.

They're smelly, they do nothing but eat, sleep, poop and talk.

You put down fresh litter then they instantly have to crap. They hassle you to feed them, you put a bowl of food down and they eat like 1/10 of it then fuck off to nap. You can't take em for a walk, they just hang out at home and scratch the shit out of your furniture and shed everywhere. They never want you to pick them up and cuddle, it's a love-hate relationship. If they want to be pet, your bugged into petting. You want to pet them, your hissed at and scratched. I cannot count the amount of shirts I've had wrecked from cats due to the fact that they decided they weren't happy with the current situation..  Not to mention my cat has a shit voice. She sounds like something snapped her jaw and jammed something sharp down her throat. When we finally move again. I'm putting my foot down, no fuckin pain-in-the-ass cats.

Stupid cats are Stupid.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Letter to Safeway Brand Pastry Sheets

OK, It's getting late and I had decided to bake pies for dinner, meat pies that is. Good old Aussie meat pies. With the healthy addition of veggies of course. But, I was short on two important ingredients. Gravy and pastry. Pastry, being the most difficult item to find in a store, caused a shopping trip to burn a hole in the wallet. As one does, browsing around for something, you tend to pick up shit you probably didn't need to get in the first place. After an hour of piss-farting around, I bothered to ask the manager where I could find the Pastry sheets. So, $60.00 later we head home with the pastry sheets and a cart full of  random assortments of other crap.

I'm home, prepping the filling for my pies and decided to get the pie tins lined with pastry, 8 minutes in the oven till they're ready to be filled. Ding. Pie is almost done. Gagh! The pastry decided to tuck itself in like a cock in the cold. I can't win. Fuck it, I can save it. Spoon that filling in, slap on a lid and shove 'er in the oven to get all good and stuff...

10 mins later I head the oven and retrieve this:

So, Safeway, I would like to say Fuck You and your store brand pastry sheets, for making me look like an incompetent baker. Apart from the handicapped look, the pie tasted fine. Cause that's how awesome I am. Looks Shit, Tastes Fine. Pro.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Burning Money for Social Necessities

This post is a view point on how our youth are essentially being scammed by the internet social outlets. One of those outlets is *cough* Habbo Hotel *cough* A stupid game, I was dumb enough to begin playing almost 6 years ago, to which I have now returned to see a change in the virtual society.

As cute and as fun as it seems, designing  your own room, gaining 'respects' and high rates on your expensive housing, isn't everything that it's cracked up to be.
This virtual chat room for tweens and pre-teens alike, serve as a breeding ground for harsh critics. No matter who you pretend to be, just like in real life, it all boils down to social status and your the size of your bank accounts. Upon entering the hotel, you are instantly labeled a 'newb/noob/nub' (like most games) So, trying to become socially acceptable, you give yourself a fake ID and steal your daddy's plastic and purchase HC/VIP status. This allows you to dress cooler and dance better than a 'norm' (non HC/VIP).

OK, So now your decked out in swanky gear, your next step is to start earning a better reputation with your newly found community of ditsy jerks and occasional fruit bats. Pull out your card again kiddies cause this next one requires a kick ass room, packed with all sorts of furni (furniture), ranging from normal items to rares! -commence burning holes in credit cards-
Stock up on credits, buy out the in-game shop and begin raiding other habbo-made coin shop sales. Between $50 - $100 later, you might actually have a semi-decent room. Create an event, invite your millions of 'friends' and hope to Christ you become uber popular. All for what?

Now for the serious part. Kid's these days are having issues with the idea of money, and no it doesn't grow on fucking trees.  $100 in real life will not buy a fully furnished home, dressing like a fuck-wit won't make you lots of friends and trying to act not your age is retarded. On that note, theres no point in acting like a 14 year old douche and claiming to be 18.

However, I was honest,  labeled a pedo and banned from a room. Go figure.

Giving it all a second chance, I had decided to spend some coinage and create a room of my own. As you can see below, unfortunately, because its cool but geeky, I'm still unpopular.  Turns out if your not rocking a night club (god knows how kids think they work) or an adoption center for kids (yes, you can put yourself up for adoption) or pretending to be a celebrity, you essentially can kiss your room rates goodbye.

Well, I thought it looked cool....

Another idea is to become a Habbo radio presenter. Yes, I'll give it a crack. Will I become one of those competition giveaway freaks? Probably. Point is, how far will the younger society go to become popular in a group of people they'll never meet in real life? Who knows. For the parents out there, who cop a dent in the credit card payments or a phone bill to the moon and back. It sucks to be you.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Virtual Lego

I've converted! Finally, after a few weeks of nagging from my husband, I'm pulled into the virtual lego-land of block people that is widely known as Minecraft. Didn't take a day or so to get the hang of this pixelated game. Another grand way to express my not-so-well-known crafty talents. Not that I've built a major city or the USS Enterprise but my architectural qualities are certainly starting to show.

Since becoming admin on my husbands server, I've learned to abuse the "/giveme" rights beyond my control. Instead of digging and mining for ores, (hence the game name) I took the liberty to supply myself with what ever items I need to slap together a building.

Although this game seems pretty simple, our NoobCraft server has had nothing but issues with monsters and creepers..(Zombies and skeletons are obviously still a rather popular character choice as the 'bad guys' in gaming today.) These bloody things just don't know when to leave well enough alone. I swear, if your not rockin' peaceful mode, your bound to hear 'for fuck sakes' or 'not again!' every 5 minutes or so. Which, personally, shits me. It's like the latest creeper saying; "that's a nice EVERYTHING you have... be a shame if something happened to it." Those things have two words programmed.. "TSSSSSssssssss..... BOOOM" then suddenly - nothing, everything surrounding that fucker, blown to the moon and back and you'll be lucky to make it out alive without armor. As I found out the hard way.. several times.

The game itself is addictive.. If your not digging, your building and when your not building, your blowing shit up with a fuck-ton of TNT. Seriously, whats not to love?

I'm currently working on a replica of the house my husband grew up in.. It's bound to keep me occupied for a few more days, then its off to bigger, better designs.

NoobCraft Server House

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nice 'n Easy gets Dirty 'n Mean

This first blog is for the ladies, and any men who find it necessary to dye their hair for whatever reason..

I recently came home from an interview in San Fransisco and popped into the shops for a few things. It's not unusual to find me hovering around clearance racks, rummaging through the latest bargains. I mean, who doesn't like a price cut on a product you wouldn't normally buy due to the bullshit expensive prices?

So, I stumble across a couple of boxes of Clairol, Nice 'n Easy, Color Blend Foam, for $3.99. Now, from what I know, this is a fairly new product. I've seen a few adds crapping on about how easy it is to use the new foam.

I was fronted with two options, dark brown or medium brown. Naturally, my hair is a medium to dark brown with red undertones. I figured that the medium brown would suit me best.

I purchase two boxes and go home to test this new bargain out.

After applying the dye and waiting a disgusting 25 odd minutes, I rinse the shit off and head straight to my laptop. Clairol.com was about to feel the wrath of my foot fair up the ass of their email inbox. This is what I wrote;

Customer Comment:

RE: Clairol Nice 'n Easy Color Blend Foam
Shade - 5 Medium Brown

I couldn't believe how much ammonia was in this product, no product of yours or any other company has given me a headache like the one I received from using this particular product! Not only does my hair smell awful, even after conditioning and drying, but the intended shade wasn't as expected. I'm used to getting a fairly deep brown coverage, but black? Seriously?!  Way to completely ruin my hair. I will not be purchasing anymore Clairol products in the near future if this is what is going to be the final result.
Thank you for the painful headache, smelly black (not brown) hair.


This is a perfect example of what not to expect when dying your own hair. Ladies, steer clear from this shit-tastic product.

Should be interesting to see what sort of a response I get.