Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Virtual Lego

I've converted! Finally, after a few weeks of nagging from my husband, I'm pulled into the virtual lego-land of block people that is widely known as Minecraft. Didn't take a day or so to get the hang of this pixelated game. Another grand way to express my not-so-well-known crafty talents. Not that I've built a major city or the USS Enterprise but my architectural qualities are certainly starting to show.

Since becoming admin on my husbands server, I've learned to abuse the "/giveme" rights beyond my control. Instead of digging and mining for ores, (hence the game name) I took the liberty to supply myself with what ever items I need to slap together a building.

Although this game seems pretty simple, our NoobCraft server has had nothing but issues with monsters and creepers..(Zombies and skeletons are obviously still a rather popular character choice as the 'bad guys' in gaming today.) These bloody things just don't know when to leave well enough alone. I swear, if your not rockin' peaceful mode, your bound to hear 'for fuck sakes' or 'not again!' every 5 minutes or so. Which, personally, shits me. It's like the latest creeper saying; "that's a nice EVERYTHING you have... be a shame if something happened to it." Those things have two words programmed.. "TSSSSSssssssss..... BOOOM" then suddenly - nothing, everything surrounding that fucker, blown to the moon and back and you'll be lucky to make it out alive without armor. As I found out the hard way.. several times.

The game itself is addictive.. If your not digging, your building and when your not building, your blowing shit up with a fuck-ton of TNT. Seriously, whats not to love?

I'm currently working on a replica of the house my husband grew up in.. It's bound to keep me occupied for a few more days, then its off to bigger, better designs.

NoobCraft Server House


  1. Dont tell me you have moved on from, ohhh what was it now WOW?

  2. WoW lacks a certain challenge.. it's just not the way it used to be. But no i havn't 'moved on' just yet. If anyone should randomly ask me what i do for a living, i'll continue to respond with "i'm a paladin tank.. but getting to 85 was like a major bore for me" /flicks hair and giggles

  3. nice house do you mind if i copy it (remake it) on my server it would be a nice thing to have

  4. Thank you joey14. Of course you may copy my house, what's the point of designing if you cannot inspire others? I appreciate you asking =D
