Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Friggin Easter -.-

Well, that Interview didn't go the way I'd planned. Turns out I missed a call just before I managed to get there. Now, lets remember, I don't have a car and I've been rather neglectful when it comes to my bike. So, I'm peddling my little heart out and get there in 10 minutes flat. Only to check my phone for the time to find that I had missed a call. So, naturally, I call the person back.

Me: "Hi, I just missed a call from this number?"
Store: "Oh yeah, Sorry to inform you, but your interview has been canceled for today."
Me: "Ahuh...." -.-
Store: " We'll, we were hoping to inform you before you made it all the way out here."
Me: " Alright, well I'm here, I just rode in.." -panting like a fat kid chasing someone with cake-
Store: "Well unfortunately I have to be somewhere else very soon but I'll be in contact with you next week."
Me: " Great. I guess I'll talk to you then >_>"

I mean c'mon, she had two days prior to tell me this! Whats with the massive lack of communication?
So while I wait for your call Ma'am, I'll continue to play Minecraft. Here, I knew I built this for some reason...

BTW, If any of you are interested in joining my server please follow the link below, head over to the forums and register ^^


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