Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's that time of year again...

In through the lips and onto the hips. It's a bit like Christmas or some other holiday, that allows us to eat copious amounts of shit food till we finally roll over into a food-coma. Actually Easter and Christmas, hmm not that I'm religious as such, but it has just struck me that the birth and re-birth of "Jesus" is a day for feasting. That bastards just out to make us fat, not once but twice a year! How are we expected to recover from such things?! 

-spaces out for a moment-

OK, I think that was it for my spiritual insight to Easter. I apologize If that was offensive to anyone. Still trying to cover a range of audiences. Blogging isn't always easy.

In other news, I have a job interview lined up =D Yay for meee. Right before a holiday. Quality. Here's hoping I don't go straight into full-time work. >_> I have a ham to cook for Bunny day... and I wish to enter into a food-coma after finishing my bottle of wine.

Oh well, If there is a higher being (please let it be cool sexy Vulcan-like aliens, probing me in my sleep) They will give me my Bunny Day.

Anywho, I will leave you all with a question. What exactly is a bum-nut? The answer. Below.


  1. Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? :P

    I honestly can’t remember what Easter celebrates anymore. Is it religious? A commercial holiday like Valentines? Meh.

  2. I'm not sure Drake, Does it?

    ^^ I have to agree with you there, the 'Y' generation just isn't religious as previous generations have been. We've just become money starving people. A Hallmark holiday for every occasion. I suppose it's just seen as a time of 'giving'. What we're giving for, who knows? But I'm looking forward to a basket full of novelty eggs!

  3. hmmm not as provocative as first hoped :/ but ill be back ull get ur bunny day...as for me its good friday an i think i might have a t-bone for breakfast :) and FYI ive always wanted to write a blog cos i have so much shit to write about, but i cbf working out how to set up the page!!!damn.....

  4. >_> I'm jealous of your T-Bone brekky, on good Friday as well... Heat up the Barbie babe, cause today its raining red meat!

    If you want help setting up a blog, I'd be more than willing to assist. =D Skye, It's a piece a piss. Truly.

  5. You’re asking me? *Sniff* No, it’s apple juice.

    And that wasn’t a shot at commercialism, I honestly don’t remember what Easter is about. I’m English you see, we’re multicultural and not too religious. The pope came to visit and we were all like “ok, whatever.”

  6. I love apple juice!

    Your in luck, I don't care too much for the pope either. No offense, he's a bit like the queen. They serve no real purpose in life and they're not millionaires. All they offer their country is "hope" and "blessings" and "magical unicorn dust".
    They are simply, as one would put it, idols.. a figure head. But Easter is about chocolate =D
