Where the hell do I start..

After much deliberation and more than a shove from my overly-wonderful husband, I have finally created a blog. Like most people, creating the blog page is the easy part. It's finding shit to write about that does your head in. With a wide range of audiences, I'm fucked. So, I'm takin' a stab at this. Sorry if anything I come up with offends or surprises anyone. This is my blog, so all you haters can hit the damn road.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Simply Pathetic - Parenting is Harsh.

There's nothing worse than having someone post foul comments about another person on Facebook. However I've found it rather entertaining to see others become frustrated after having a go at an individual. The best method I've come to use is the non swearing approach, using proper spelling and grammar.

My recent comment ''attack'' was towards a young father. A comment made specifically for him. According to the status updates, he had posted some apparent upsetting news to his Facebook claiming that he had walked in on his ex with some other bloke in bed with her. Now, he and his ex have a gorgeous looking son together but the relationship is, well, you see where this is going.

This is how I responded to his post and the ex decided to have her input. It makes me 'lol'.

Shortly after, another friend attempted to share their input. Making abso-fuckin-lutely no sense.

In the end, you have to bow out and tie the end off with the truth.

Some kids aren't old enough to be having kids. It's hard being a single mother/father. I understand. And with a lot of people having "surprise" babies, It's unsettling to see them in such a struggle, not only with money but relationships as well.

A lot of us have grown up on some form of government assistance. I don't want to be going through that to ensure my child is fed/clothed/homed.

I personally, am glad that I'm married and will be waiting a few years, before I bring a child into this world. My opinion on parenting, ensure the child has a proper upbringing with an unbroken family. That requires a home (preferably owned) and stable well-earning careers.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Minecraft has me hooked


No, really. I'm amazingly awesome when it comes to this stuff.. While everyone else is off making fortresses and mechanical-like devices for no apparent reason, I'm redesigning historical figures.

I've taken a shot on four different angles so you can all see her 3 dimensional body. Although she doesn't really have a woman's head.. you get the idea.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Friggin Easter -.-

Well, that Interview didn't go the way I'd planned. Turns out I missed a call just before I managed to get there. Now, lets remember, I don't have a car and I've been rather neglectful when it comes to my bike. So, I'm peddling my little heart out and get there in 10 minutes flat. Only to check my phone for the time to find that I had missed a call. So, naturally, I call the person back.

Me: "Hi, I just missed a call from this number?"
Store: "Oh yeah, Sorry to inform you, but your interview has been canceled for today."
Me: "Ahuh...." -.-
Store: " We'll, we were hoping to inform you before you made it all the way out here."
Me: " Alright, well I'm here, I just rode in.." -panting like a fat kid chasing someone with cake-
Store: "Well unfortunately I have to be somewhere else very soon but I'll be in contact with you next week."
Me: " Great. I guess I'll talk to you then >_>"

I mean c'mon, she had two days prior to tell me this! Whats with the massive lack of communication?
So while I wait for your call Ma'am, I'll continue to play Minecraft. Here, I knew I built this for some reason...

BTW, If any of you are interested in joining my server please follow the link below, head over to the forums and register ^^


Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's that time of year again...

In through the lips and onto the hips. It's a bit like Christmas or some other holiday, that allows us to eat copious amounts of shit food till we finally roll over into a food-coma. Actually Easter and Christmas, hmm not that I'm religious as such, but it has just struck me that the birth and re-birth of "Jesus" is a day for feasting. That bastards just out to make us fat, not once but twice a year! How are we expected to recover from such things?! 

-spaces out for a moment-

OK, I think that was it for my spiritual insight to Easter. I apologize If that was offensive to anyone. Still trying to cover a range of audiences. Blogging isn't always easy.

In other news, I have a job interview lined up =D Yay for meee. Right before a holiday. Quality. Here's hoping I don't go straight into full-time work. >_> I have a ham to cook for Bunny day... and I wish to enter into a food-coma after finishing my bottle of wine.

Oh well, If there is a higher being (please let it be cool sexy Vulcan-like aliens, probing me in my sleep) They will give me my Bunny Day.

Anywho, I will leave you all with a question. What exactly is a bum-nut? The answer. Below.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Motivational Issues

Pssh, I wish. One day I will invent the 'motivational' pill. I don't think since I left my last job, that there has been a day where I felt truly motivated and determined to do something successful. Unless you class spending 30 minutes with a vacuum on full blast, slowly sucking at every square inch of the couch to rid of the damn cat hair, successful?

So, whats the definition of motivation anyway? To be excited to get up each day and face the world with a giant smile and say "Fuck yeah, this is AWESOME, living and being alive is GREAT!!!!1"

I think not. The majority of my mornings/afternoons cause me to walk around like a ninety year old bitch, mumbling to myself about things I could or should do..

Although the idea of a magic pill that boosts this so-called motivation kinda already exists - I'm not talking about speed, cause being high is bad for you - My form of motivation used to dwell in the bottom of a cup. It's called coffee. The motivational juice. Or so I thought. That stuff just doesn't seem to work the way it used to when I was 14.

Everyone suggests I eat better and do more exercise. Well I rebel against your wishes! Give me magic! And I want it in my Alice in Wonderland mug. Ktanx.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Craplications and Shitinterviews >_>

I think it's fair to say that after several 6hour car trips, pointless interviews and waiting months for a piece of paper, I think I finally have it. Assuming it's all approved.

Green Cards, a lot harder to come by than just your average visa. Here's hoping I'm getting mine sent to me within the month. So, while I wait my next step is job hunting and damn I'm way out of practice on this one. Not to mention, America, you have the most REEEEE-diculous system for applying to jobs.

After several hours of just filling in the info about yourself, dating fucking 10 years* back or so, you hit another wall. Pages upon pages of pointless questions to do with fuck all. Well actually, if 1/3 of the population had half a brain and had some sense of self initiative, the applications probably wouldn't ask the same bloody question 20 times in a row.

Bugger it, I don't need to work out or clean the house today. I just filled out one application to a shitty nothing store, that will probably hire some loser dickhead that doesn't have a clue how to relate to customers but happens to have half a degree in bullshittery... Several wasted hours later - I'm hittin' the sheets. Why do we bother seriously. Australia, you've got one thing good going for you at the moment, lots of jobs with applications that take 20mins to fill out, GOD I miss you.

Goooooood Night.

* Note - in the past 20 odd years I've actually moved over 25 times.. So dating back 10 years of housing and jobs is utter BS. For me anyway..

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

They see me trollin', they hatin'

I've done some research on the definition of 'trolls/trolling' and have come to a crossroad on this discussion. Upon reading different outlooks on the meaning of a troll, it began to make me wonder what exactly a troll may actually stand for. Has the internet and it's users decided to label these people because of their personal opinions, even if it's an attack on an individual or group? Does that make someone a troll? Or simply just a jerk? I believe there has to be a fine line between the two because as of late, even I have been labeled a troll.

I've shuffled around a few of the definitions and picked one that may actually define what a troll may represent -

Trolling is a violation of the implicit rules of Internet social spaces and is often done to inflame or invite conflict. It necessarily involves a value judgment made by one user about the value of another's contribution. (Because of this it is considered not to be any more useful than the judgment 'I don't agree with you' by many users, who prefer to focus on behaviors instead of on presumed intent). Not to be confused with large warty monsters thought to dwell under bridges, in caves etc.
Trolling is not necessarily the same as vandalism (although vandalism may be used to troll). A vandal may just enjoy defacing a webpage, insulting random users, or spreading some personal views in an inappropriate way. A troll deliberately exploits tendencies of human nature or of an online community to upset people.
There are many types of disruptive users that are not trolls. Reversion warriors, POV warriors, cranks, impolite users, and vocal critics of Wikipedia structures and processes are not necessarily trolls.
The basic mindset of a troll is that they are far more interested in how others react to their edits than in the usual concerns of Wikipedians: accuracy, veracity, comprehensiveness, and overall quality. If a troll gets no response to their spurious edits, then they can hardly be considered a troll at all.

What is a Troll? - Wikimedia   <<< Click for more info.

So here's what I'm thinking.. If I was to interrupt a forum group posting, say on the topic of abortion (I know, how generic) and started voicing my opinion; e.g " That's bull shit, no woman has the right to kill an innocent being OR That's bloody stupid, every woman has a right to choose whether or not they want to bring a child into this world!"

Would posting this over and over again be classed as trolling? No.

If I were to respond with something like: "Your all dumb sluts OR women belong in the kitchen, so how do they get pregnant?"


Well, in my opinion, no, that is not trolling. That would just label me sexist and perhaps even against women's rights. (Lets remember that I'm actually a woman and I do believe in our rights. It's just an example.)

I guess it all depends on the topic at hand and I know it's something I'll never come to understand. But after all this reading and self-debating I've got something I can agree with. I'm a troll baby.

Definition: A troll baby is someone cute but who does trollish things to you or friends. often creates jokes around friends. mostly funny sometimes harmful; always in good fun.
So once again, I have info to back me up. Thanks Urban Dictionary, for assisting in labeling my ass before I managed to get banned from anything for no real reason.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yo ho ho and a bottle 'o seawaterrr

I know, my last post on Minecraft ended with me crapping on about how I was designing a replica of a house, but an even better idea popped into my head!

I've created stunning houses that float in the sky but then it dawned on me. What about something that floats in the water?! A Pirate Ship!!1

Yes, that's what I've been working on over the past couple of days... In the early stages my watery queen was a mess. I was sure my imagination wouldn't surpass this one.

So, with the help of Google images and whatever ideas were left floating around in that empty skull of mine, I come up with a wickedly awesome final design. Add a few more sails, perhaps a flag.. throw in some cannons and perhaps whack a fancy mermaid maiden at the front of my beloved boat.
And not long after... I had created, my masterpiece.

Not bad for a noob chick eh?

Below is the link to my previous rant on Minecraft. If you haven't already read it. Enjoy.
Virtual Lego - Blog  <<<<< Clicky Clicky

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Omg, where have I been?

Wouldn't you love to know. Well, actually, I haven't been anywhere. I've been here the whole time, I'm just lazy when it comes to blogs. So, today I'm going to do a bit of free advertising, or we could just call it 'sharing'. Below is a few pages I've recently had the pleasure to visit. Now I'm not saying haul your ass over there and purchase anything, these are just some neat sites that interest me.

Put your Paws up, we're praying for Japan. - Lady Gaga [Official]

Fellow Aussies, Click here to Win a Holden. - Piece 'o' Cake, IQ Test to go into the running.

Geek Culture, Click for nerdy entertainment.  - The coolest Blog ever.

Bad Boy Bill, interesting Music. Clicky Clicky.  - Yeah, they ain't too bad.

The only woman that has truly inspired me <3  - Very talented. Follow this awesome person!

If anyone has a topic they would like me to discuss, feel free to leave a comment or email me. Until then I'm going to stare into this screen and think of shit I could have written about.